Friday, June 27, 2008

The Exquisite Hour!

I'm posting a lot of lyrics on here lately... Music says it better than I can. Step into this dream with me!
La lune blanche luit dans les bois,
De chaque branche part une voix
Sous la ramee,
O bien- aimee!
L'etang reflete, profond miroir,
La silhouette du saule noir
Ou le vent pleure.
Revons, c'est l'heure!
Un vaste et tendre apaisement
Semble descendre du firmament
Que l'astre irise;
C'est l'heure exquise!
The white moon shines in the forest,
From every branch comes forth a voice,
Under the folieage,
Oh beloved!
The pond, a deep mirror, reflects
The silhouette of the dark willow,
In which the wind is crying.
Let us drea, 'tis the hour!
A vast and tender calm
Seems to descend from the firmament,
Which the orb clads in rainbow colors;
'Tis the exquisite hour!
I sang this oh... about million years ago... such a beautiful song..
Anyway, that's all for tonight. Thanks for reading.

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